Tag Archives: Battle of the Fang

Stephen Moyer chats up True Blood for Bullett magazine

In an interview with Bullett magazine, appropriately titled “Return to the Soft Gore”, Stephen Moyer talks about being comfortable with Alex Skarsgard’s “bits”, his unexpected married life with Anna Paquin, the necessity of recycling, and his frequent fundraising efforts for various causes.  He also donned some glam over-the-top duds for his metro-goth rocker photo shoot. 

When asked about how married life with his co-star Anna Paquin (who plays Sookie Stackhouse in True Blood) is treating him, Stephen’s reply is sure to warm any Truebie’s bleeding heart…

“I’ve never been married before, and it wasn’t something that really entered my mind to do.  Then suddenly, in this relationship with Anna, I just couldn’t think of a good reason not to.  It just felt really right.  When you meet somebody you’re going to be spending the rest of your life with, it doesn’t seem right to call them your girlfriend forever, so I felt like I needed to be able to call her something else.  Now, I can shout “wife” quite happily.”

Stephen has a professionally cosmopolitan attitude, however, when it comes to sharing said wife on set and in racy photoshoots…

“She does get around a bit.  Alex {Skarsgård} and I have been very close since the beginning, and Joe {Manganiello} who’s playing Alcide now, we’re pretty close too.”

“Alex and I have gotten quite close to each other.  We have seen each other’s bits many times.  But I think the main thing is that Alex and Joe, when they have stuff to do with my missus, they feel like they’re free to do so.  There’s no point in me being territorial because, A: I don’t feel like that anyway because it’s work, and B: they need to feel like they can be true in their characters without me spying on them.  Even though of course I have a GPS loaded into Anna’s skin.  She doesn’t know where it is – I have actually buried it somewhere in her.”

On the somewhat unusual pairings we’ve seen in some of the TB episodes so far…

“I’ve had a couple scripts where I don’t get to suck any face, and it’s like ‘Oh, I don’t get to suck any face, I’m really bored!’  Which is why I’m praying that at some point me and Alex or Joe will have some kind of crazy threesome.  I mean, it’s got to happen, Season 27…” 

“Did you like me & Sam last year?”

Stephen does a surprising amount of fundraising for the charities, and personal convictions, he’s passionate about…

“One of the things I hadn’t really considered before the show became successful is one’s ability to help out causes that you’re interested in.  If we can get Alan to sign a script, if we can get some of the other cast to sign a script, we can auction it off and it can raise quite a lot of money.”

“Alex does it for various charities.  Alex and I were approached about this idea for Battle of the Fang – we raised $70,000 dollars.  People got completely absorbed in it and ultimately, it wasn’t about the victory – apart from the fact that I won – but it wasn’t about that.  We both raised a very similar amount, right up to the wire – I think I raised about $35,100 and he got $34,950.  We both chose causes that we cared about, and at the same time the gulf had exploded and the oil was washing to the shore in Louisiana.  Because it was Louisiana, I chose that as my charity because of the show, because we filmed down there.”

Maybe his dog Splash is worried about a possible global shortage of tennis balls, but Stephen’s concerns are a little more green…

“For me, it’s the huge stuff.  Something I drone on and on about which just bores people senseless is the plastic vortex in the Pacific.  The fact that we’ve just got oceans of sea life eating our discarded plastic really upsets me.”

“If I’m walking along behind somebody and they throw something {away}, I go back up to them and say ‘Oh, I’m sorry, I think you’ve dropped this.’  Unless they’re 75 feet tall, in which case I’ll just say f*ck it and put it in the bin for them.”

The interview’s accompanying photoshoot, shot by photographer Kurt Iswarienko, is a modern, metro throwback to 80’s rockband trends and has a goth punch to it.  It’s more unusual than anything we’ve seen previously from Stephen, and while it won’t make my list of “best photoshoots ever”, it just might rank among the most interesting.

To see the photos and read the full interview in Bullett, go here.